Click Mode 1 Gang 1 Way Retractive Bell Switch CMA027

MODE Accessories have been conceived and developed as a high quality, flexible and modern solution to virtually any domestic wiring requirement. The smooth, modern lines of the MODE accessory plate will fit easily into traditional and contemporary designs alike.
£2.94 £2.45

Click Mode 1 Gang 1 Way Retractive Bell Switch CMA027

There are many crucial elements of any interior design – the more obvious ones are décor and furnishings. Less obvious but no less important are electrical accessories; particularly wall accessories which, by their very nature need to be located in prominent line of sight positions.

When selecting wiring accessories designers have often compromised their schemes as they have been unable to identify a suitably flexible solution to satisfy their ideas.

CLICK MODE Accessories can now provide that flexibility with a comprehensive selection of products ranging from the humble light switch and socket outlet through to more specialised products dealing with the very latest developments in telephone and satellite products.

MODE Accessories have been conceived and developed as a high quality, flexible and modern solution to virtually any domestic wiring requirement. The smooth, modern lines of the MODE accessory plate will fit easily into traditional and contemporary designs alike.

The clean white lines of the MODE range are augmented by the curved cross section, giving an overall contemporary, modern and stylish look. The Mode profile is illustrated above right.
