Heat Pumps

Activair Air to water heat pumps provide energy saving solutions to hundreds of homes across the UK. Activair works in a very similar way to a domestic refrigerator, utilising a working fluid driven around a refrigerant circuit containing four components - an evaporator, a compressor, acondenser and an expansion valve.

The refrigerant liquid circulating within the system has aboiling point as low as -40°C and evaporates when absorbing heat from ambient air. Thismeans it's possible to extract considerable heat from extremely low temperatures. Theresulting refrigerant gas is then compressed, adding more heat energy and raising its temperature. This heat is then passed via the heat exchanger into your home for use in your hot water cylinder.

It is vitally important when designing heating systems to ensure the heating flow temperature is kept as low as possible. This will enable the Heat Pump to run at optimum efficiency. The coefficient of performance, or COP, of a heat pump is the ratio of the output heat to the input supplied. An air source heat pump operating at COP of 3.0 will provide 3kW of heatoutput for every 1kW of unit input (energy consumed).


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